Second Joint IIIMT-Algebra Forum Conference 2025

We are pleased to announce the upcoming Second Joint IIIMT-Algebra Forum Conference 2025 which will take place in Karaman, Türkiye, between June 24-26, 2025. The congress aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and educators to share their insights and advancements in the field of Algebra.

The event will feature keynote speeches by renowned experts and opportunities for networking with colleagues from around the globe.

We invite you to submit your abstracts and participate in this exciting academic gathering. For more information on the congress, including submission guidelines and registration, please visit our website:


Let join us for an international conference presenting the latest topics in mathematics and mathematics education, featuring keynote speakers from around the world

Details of Conference
Theme: “Mathematics is Everywhere”
Conference Date: December 5-6, 2024
Venue: Hybrid (UIN Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia)

Main Speakers:

  1. Assoc. Prof. Rosalio Gaid Artes Jr. (Phillipines)
  2. Dr. Stefano Luzzatto (Italy)
  3. Dr. Houssam El-Kasti (Qatar)
  4. Prof. Dr. Khurram Shabbir (Pakistan)

Kompetisi Thesis 3-Menit KPA 2023

Dengan penuh antusiasme, kami dari Komunitas Peminat Aljabar ingin mengumumkan hasil seleksi video untuk Kompetisi Tesis 3 Menit. Kompetisi ini, yang berfokus pada penyampaian ide-ide penelitian berkaitan dengan aljabar dan kombinatorika dalam waktu hanya 3 menit. Kami telah menerima banyak 11 peserta yang berbagi penelitiannya yang mengesankan dan inovatif. Tentunya kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada setiap peserta yang telah menunjukkan dedikasi dan kreativitas luar biasa dalam mengolah dan menyajikan topik penelitian aljabar mereka.

Tanpa berlama-lama lagi, berikut adalah daftar video yang berhasil lolos seleksi dari kompetisi ini:

Dheva Ulfiz ‘Aliyah | S1 Universitas Diponegoro
Shinta Apriliani | S1 Universitas Diponegoro
Indriani Safitri | S1 Universitas Gadjah Mada
Laila Karimatul Fadhilah | S1 Universitas Diponegoro
Fakhry Asad Agusfrianto | S1 Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Muhammad Arsyad | S1 Universitas Sebelas Maret
Ivan Adrian Wijaya | Alumni S1 Universitas Diponegoro
Dinda Lestari | S1 Universitas Gadjah Mada
Salsabilla Nirmalasari | S1 Universitas Gadjah Mada
Shinta Nur Alfiana | S2 Universitas Diponegoro
Aisyah Nur Adillah | S1 Universitas Diponegoro

Kami mengundang semua anggota komunitas dan para peminat aljabar untuk menonton dan memberi apresiasi kepada para finalis ini melalui platform online tersebut. Selanjutnya akan dipilih 5 peserta terbaik dan terpopular untuk mempresentasikannya secara langsung pada babak final yang akan diselenggarakan hari Jum’at, 22 Desember 2023 pukul 13.00 WIB melalui Zoom Meeting.

Sekali lagi, selamat kepada para peserta yang lolos! Kepada yang belum beruntung kali ini, jangan berkecil hati. Semangat dan dedikasi Anda adalah inspirasi bagi kami semua. Teruslah berkarya dan berkontribusi dalam dunia aljabar. Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa di sesi final!

Salam hangat,
Komunitas Peminat Aljabar


The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in collaboration with the Southeast Asian Mathematical Society (SEAMS), will hold the 9th SEAMS-UGM 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications. The conference will be held on July 25–28, 2023, with several exciting events such as the Summer School on Number Theory Cryptography, the Algebra Mini Symposium, the Third Southeast Asian Women Mathematicians Meeting 2023, the International Actuarial Research Conference, and a Workshop on Earthquake Catastrophe Risk Modeling.

SEAMS 9th will be attended by Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Sc., who is the Chair of the Board of Trustees at UGM, and Dr. Aditya Karnik, Vice President of Data Science at GOJEK, as keynote speakers. The conference will also be attended by several guest speakers from various universities around the world, such as the University of Connecticut, Poznan University of Technology, University of Oulu, National Central University, University of Vienna, University of New South Wales, Chiang Mai University, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Politeknik Statistika STIS, and Universitas Lampung. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers, educators, lecturers, and students to exchange ideas, communicate, and discuss research findings and new developments in the field of mathematics. The topics to be discussed include pure and applied mathematics, statistics, actuarial science, mathematics education, and computer science.

The conference also aims to deepen the concept of mathematics and expand its application through cooperation with industry. It is hoped that this will enhance collaboration between researchers and industry globally. SEAMS conference registration is open for both online and offline participation. Each participant has the opportunity to obtain material from the keynote speakers, present their contributions, and participate in mini-symposia related to the chosen topic.

Further information about this conference can be found on the official SEAMS 2023 website at

Author: Sania Rizka Ramadhani
Editor: Silvina Rosita Yulianti